The Big Test- a poem written during COVID 19

So life is testing us.

How are you reacting? What lessons are you learning?

Maybe we all need a good reshuffle and clean out. A new perspective. Who are the people that form our foundations? What is the job that drives us? Are we happy in our environment?

We were all warned about those rainy days but hell it’s been pouring for weeks now. Most of us weren’t prepared. Some have huge boats and others just a raft. Sink or swim. Sink or swim.

Don’t fight, just flow.

Slow down


Look and not only see…

The children learning to ride

The neighbourhood folk trying to keep fit

The dogs on leads

The birds

The trees and flowers


All the emotions, how are they manifesting in the body, tension or pain?


Your feet and ankles, your roots.

Your toes as they strike the ground.

Your hips as they work to drive you forward.

Your knees stabilizing.

Your shoulders, are they tense or rounded. Or are you relaxed.

Your hands, clenched or free.

Your head on your shoulders.

How does your body feel and react to movement?


Your ability to move well




Your 5 senses

Slow down. Slow down. Relax your mind, refocus your thoughts, take a real look at what exists beyond your borders and not in your head.

We can’t keep staring into uncertainty, the grey area. We can’t keep fighting this riptide. Don’t get dragged into negativity and despair. Flow, ride the wave, learn the lessons.

Life is testing us

Published by Kirst

I'm a Chiropractor. South African born but now living in Dubai. Love endurance sport and pushing the limits of the human body Obsessed with dogs specifically my Bean Happiest outdoors Coffee drinker and sunrise chaser Kindness always

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