HRV and Wearables

Did you know that it is thought that HRV is the only way to measure how our bodies respond to stress unconsciously? I have a special interest in heart rate/HRV and the data from wearables and smart watches. I’m no cardiovascular specialist but did do some research for a paper I had to write andContinue reading “HRV and Wearables”

A close call

Case presentation of a 27 year old female ultra distance trail runner I wanted to write this up because I believe it could help other practitioners/athletes and just people in general.  After I had heart issues at 26, I wrote a blog about the events leading up to it and had the most overwhelming feedback.Continue reading “A close call”

Return to sport post viral infection. Here for the long run!

Many people have had their fair share of “starting again” in their sporting careers. We are talking about being a few weeks out of competition, months of preparation behind you, at your peak fitness level and then BAM, the curveball. Illness, injury, accidents, unexpected surgery. This is what I’m talking about and I’m sure manyContinue reading “Return to sport post viral infection. Here for the long run!”

The Big Test- a poem written during COVID 19

So life is testing us. How are you reacting? What lessons are you learning? Maybe we all need a good reshuffle and clean out. A new perspective. Who are the people that form our foundations? What is the job that drives us? Are we happy in our environment? We were all warned about those rainyContinue reading “The Big Test- a poem written during COVID 19”

Avoiding a running overdose

Dr. Kirsten Evans (M. Tech: Chiropractic) and Tala Elajou (BsC in Biology and Marine Science, Level 3 PT with Active IQ, and Running Coach with UESCA) “Endorphins, which are structurally similar to the drug morphine, are considered natural painkillers because they activate opioid receptors in the brain that help minimize discomfort. They can also helpContinue reading “Avoiding a running overdose”