“Athletes” and cars…

The beginning of the year is always quite challenging!

With a new year comes new resolutions, new goals, new challenges and new adventures.

Comrades, Two Oceans, Ironman, Dusi, Argus, Cape Epic, KZN and SA Athletic Natonals, PMB/ Durban City Marathons…just to mention a few. Throw in a few avid surfers and trail runners and BAM my week is filled with injured/fatigued/bruised/battered/malaligned bodies.

I am an “athlete”myself so I can relate to all of the above.

What intrigues me is that whilst most of these “athletes”really take their sport quite seriously, many of them handle their injuries and bodies with less concern. Many of the injuries that present in my rooms, have been left far too late and land up taking 2,4 and even 6 weeks to come right. What was previously a “niggle” would have now become a full blown tendinitis, bursitis, muscle strain/tear. I am not a doctor with extra special healing powers ( even though I sometimes wish) but my patients seem to think I am. I can help with recovery and reduce healing time but I cannot take your injury away with the snap of my fingers.

I do however have a SIMPLE solution which could help many of you. Treat your body like you treat your car. If you hear/feel a squeak (joints) , if you feel your tyres are wearing out (legs,arms, joints), if your wheel alignment is off (spine), if you are running low on fuel or your oil needs replacing (fatigue), if your car keeps over heating (re-injury) or if you just need a general clean/valet/service (maintenance).. you would take your car to the garage! So why not take yourself to the chiropractor?

A real “athlete” needs to be aware of his/her own body just like a driver needs to be aware of their own car. Be aware of how it feels on a good/bad day, become familiar with pain and types of pain and don’t let a “niggle” persist.

A faulty car can lead to many problems so why leave a faulty body?

Published by Kirst

I'm a Chiropractor. South African born but now living in Dubai. Love endurance sport and pushing the limits of the human body Obsessed with dogs specifically my Bean Happiest outdoors Coffee drinker and sunrise chaser Kindness always

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